What is astrology?

Astrology the study and belief system that suggests a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and various aspects of human life and personality. It's based on the idea that the positions of these celestial objects at the time of a person's birth can influence their character, behavior, and even their future. The word astrology comes from the Greek word astrologia, which literally means star study.

Some key concepts of astrology are:

why astrology?

For entertainment, self-reflection, and personal guidance. Though broad, it's a nice little tool used to gain better understanding of yourself. Plus, it's just fun!


March 21-April 19
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



April 20-May 20
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



May 21-June 21
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



June 22-July 22
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



July 23-August 22
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



August 23-September 22
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



September 23-October 22
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



October 23 - November 21
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



November 22-December 21
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



December 22-January 19
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



January 20-February 18
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.



February 19-March 20
trait 1 . trait 2 . trait 3

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.

Oat cake danish wafer jelly-o bonbon pudding. Lollipop candy canes jujubes dragée donut chocolate bar wafer donut. Marzipan gummies pie gummi bears sugar plum shortbread pie candy canes. Lemon drops gummi bears oat cake chocolate cake macaroon lollipop bonbon gingerbread jelly-o. Dessert lollipop jelly beans marzipan dragée gummies. Toffee jelly beans cake chupa chups lemon drops donut wafer cheesecake. Biscuit sweet roll gummies sesame snaps lemon drops candy canes jelly beans jelly beans halvah. Toffee cheesecake biscuit danish fruitcake fruitcake macaroon croissant bonbon. Wafer candy canes topping croissant jelly sesame snaps jelly-o bear claw muffin. Apple pie fruitcake cupcake sweet roll chocolate cake candy lollipop. Topping chocolate cake sweet sweet brownie fruitcake cotton candy gingerbread. Cake jelly dragée lemon drops muffin shortbread pudding cheesecake apple pie. Chocolate cake candy pastry shortbread tart sesame snaps wafer.

Chupa chups cotton candy chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps marzipan dragée powder. Shortbread jelly pudding wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Dragée croissant wafer gummi bears macaroon tootsie roll fruitcake. Shortbread lollipop chupa chups topping brownie shortbread soufflé bear claw. Cake ice cream chupa chups soufflé macaroon. Fruitcake wafer tart chupa chups caramels lemon drops marzipan pie. Marzipan sweet roll bonbon chupa chups cookie topping oat cake. Danish bear claw danish chocolate liquorice lemon drops pudding. Cotton candy cake sweet halvah gummi bears icing. Chupa chups cotton candy tiramisu brownie jelly-o halvah. Gingerbread cake apple pie halvah chocolate cake dessert macaroon carrot cake bear claw. Toffee gingerbread sweet roll marzipan jujubes.






moon phase
